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Recovering Possibilities Throughout Georgia
Cumming: 678-737-4430
Jefferson: 706-943-3540

Signs You’re Enabling Someone’s Addiction

It goes without saying that we all want the best for the people we love. When we genuinely care for our family members or friends, we celebrate their successes and strive to support them when they’re at their lowest. However, it can be challenging to know how to help someone who is struggling with addiction, and though your intentions may be good, your actions may actually be causing harm.

Standing by and allowing your loved one to sink further and further into their addiction is not helpful, but many people don’t realize they’re doing it. Our team has decided to put together a list of warning signs so you can determine whether you’re actually enabling someone’s addiction to drugs or alcohol.

1. You’re Making Excuses for Them

When people become addicted or alcohol or drugs and the addiction begins to take control of their lives, they begin neglecting their responsibilities. Their work performance decreases, they slack off on household chores, and they even may forget to keep their social commitments. Family members or friends may feel tempted to cover up for them by calling in sick at work for them or picking up their slack around the house.

Now is the time to stop. Your loved one does not need “time to get their act together." They need an intervention.

2. You’re Financially Supporting Their Addiction

Addiction can be incredibly expensive. When people are addicted to alcohol or drugs, they will do whatever it takes to replenish their supply as soon as it runs out, and losing their own money won’t stop them. They may begin asking their loved ones for money, including you, but lie about where it’s going towards. If you suspect your loved one is spending money on drugs, don’t fund their addiction.

3. You’re Also Using the Substance or Have it Around

Have you ever gone to the local liquor store to get your loved one alcohol? It’s the right thing to do, isn’t it? That way, they aren’t driving and putting themselves or someone else in danger.

We’re afraid that this isn’t the best course of action. While you may be helping them today, you aren’t helping with the underlying problem. Feeding someone’s addiction isn’t your responsibility. Doing so is enabling an addict, not helping.

Additionally, if you like a drink now and then but live with someone struggling with alcohol addiction, you’re just adding fuel to the fire if you keep booze around. The same applies to any drugs that your loved one is addicted to.

4. You Believe Them When They Say They Can Stop at Any Time

When your loved one tells you they have their addiction under control and they can overcome it by themselves, believing them isn’t optimism – it’s denial. Overcoming addiction without professional assistance or treatment is challenging, and allowing them to continue by themselves isn’t setting them up for success.

If you’re feeling helpless, don’t worry – countless people have been in the same position you’re in now. According to a Pew survey of U.S. adults conducted in 2017, 46 percent – nearly half – of Americans reported that they have a friend or family member with a current or past drug addiction. The next step is to sit them down and discuss their addiction. They have to want help and they have to be willing to do what it takes to get it. If they’re at that stage, we’re here for you and them. Contact The Carter Treatment Center today to schedule an appointment here at our drug rehab center in Cumming, or our drug rehab center in Suwanee.

Recovery is a Phone Call Away

Recovering from a longtime addiction can be extremely challenging when done on your own. There’s nothing shameful about asking for help when you need it – at our facility, you can expect to be treated with compassion and patience throughout your time with us. Through alternative therapies, outpatient treatment programs, counseling, and more, we can help you understand your addiction and give you the tools you need to overcome it and get your life back on track.

If you or a loved one are ready to face your addiction head-on, contact our team online or by phone at (678) 737-4430. At The Carter Treatment Center, we can meet you where you’re at and create a plan that takes your unique needs into consideration.
