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Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment In Cumming, GA

Serving Roswell, Gainesville, & Surrounding Areas

Methamphetamine (meth) is a potent drug that affects the dopamine and serotonin in the brain. The effects of a meth “high” can last for several hours, which leads many addicts to take repeat doses so that they can maintain the feeling for as long as possible. When a meth high fades away, the serotonin and dopamine in the brain are depleted, leaving the user prone to depression and anxiety.

Meth addiction is difficult to overcome, but recovery is always possible. At The Carter Treatment Center, we use alternative therapies to treat the physical, mental, and emotional damages caused by drug addiction. We help patients learn new life skills that will help them make a permanent change and avoid the temptations of relapse.

How Prevalent Is Meth Use in the United States?

According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

  • Roughly 2 million people in the United States report using meth at least once in the past year.
  • An average of 510 people use meth for the first time each day.
  • Roughly 1 million people met the clinical requirements for having methamphetamine use disorder in the United States in 2019 alone.

Co-Occurring Disorders

In 2011, the American Journal on Addictions published studies revealing that roughly 40% of people being treated for meth abuse struggle with an anxiety disorder. Co-occurring abuse and mental health disorders are very common. It is important that this is taken into consideration when treating a person’s addiction. Addressing anxiety, depression, and other co-occurring disorders greatly reduces the risk of relapse. These conditions often contribute to a person’s temptation to use, so finding healthy ways to handle these issues should be an integral component of any patient’s addiction treatment. That is why we have a dedicated co-occurring disorder treatment program.

The Meth Cycle

The way meth affects the brain and body traps people in a cycle that keeps them dependent on the drug to ward of withdrawal symptoms.

Stages of meth use include:

  • The rush – Whether injected or smoked, meth has an immediate “rush” effect. This intense phase of heightened awareness and pleasure only lasts for a few minutes but is potent enough to lay the groundwork for an addiction.
  • The high – Meth highs last for a long time, anywhere between 4 to 16 hours depending on the purity and amount used. The high phase creates a sense of delusion which can severely alter a person’s mood and behavior.
  • The binge – The euphoric high of meth fades away before the drug is fully processed through the body. This leads many users to take the drug several times over a long period of time. Some people have been known to binge for several days and may stop eating and drinking during this time.
  • Tweaking – Eventually, meth will stop producing a rush or high no matter how much a person uses it. This will create a feeling of emptiness, craving, and paranoia. Users may enter a dissociative state during this time, feeling completed disconnected from the world.
  • The crash – Once a binge has concluded, a crash will occur. This is when the body finally shuts down so that it can recover from the intense amount of drug in the system. This may cause a person to sleep for several days.
  • The withdrawal – After waking up from a crash, users will feel nauseated, exhausted, anxious, and depressed. This will lead to a craving for meth, and since the body has had time to recover, it will be possible to get the rush and high sensations from meth again. So the cycle begins all over again.

Personalized Treatment Plans for Methamphetamine Addiction

At The Carter Treatment Center, we understand that each individual struggling with methamphetamine addiction has unique needs and challenges. That's why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each client's specific situation. Our experienced team of addiction specialists will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your physical, emotional, and psychological needs.

Our methamphetamine addiction treatment program may include:

  • Individual therapy to address underlying issues and triggers
  • Group therapy for peer support and accountability
  • Family therapy to rebuild relationships and create a strong support system

By focusing on the whole person and providing individualized care, we strive to help you achieve lasting recovery from methamphetamine addiction. Take the first step towards a healthier, drug-free life by contacting us today.

Recommended Reading

Call (678) 737-4430 or connect with a member of our team online today.

Commonly Asked Questions

What are the signs of methamphetamine addiction?

Signs of methamphetamine addiction may include increased energy, decreased appetite, rapid weight loss, dental problems, skin sores, mood swings, and paranoia.

What are the long-term effects of methamphetamine abuse?

Long-term effects of methamphetamine abuse can include severe dental problems, skin sores, extreme weight loss, memory loss, cognitive issues, mood disturbances, and increased risk of infectious diseases.

How does methamphetamine affect the brain?

Methamphetamine affects the brain by increasing the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This leads to intense feelings of euphoria and can result in addiction with repeated use.

Treating Meth Addiction

The cycle of meth use is hard to break away from, but by no means impossible. Treatment programs have helped countless people remove the drug from their lives once and for all. A key component to treatment is behavioral therapy, wherein patients talk about their experience with drugs, the circumstances that led them to use drugs, and the temptations that make it hard to quit.

During treatment, patients will learn valuable strategies for dealing with cravings. Therapy teaches people healthy ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression so that drugs no longer feel like the only answer for these feelings.

After time spent at an inpatient rehab center, patients should continue their therapy through outpatient rehab. Several times a week, patients will have an opportunity to talk about their recovery process and maintain the sense of momentum they gained during inpatient rehab.

The Effects of Meth on the Brain

Meth can allow someone to function with very little sleep, and suppress their appetite. There are many ways to abuse meth to achieve some goal, making it all the easier for someone to develop an addiction, even if they only planned on using the drug short term. Methamphetamine is not a medical amphetamine. It has an extreme effect on the body and should never be used in an attempt to diet or stay awake.

Meth’s powerful effect on the brain causes many side effects. Symptoms of meth addiction both on and off the drug include:

  • Mood swings
  • Weight loss
  • Hyperactivity
  • Dental health issues
  • Hair loss
  • Memory loss
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Difficulty sleeping

The side effects of meth are extremely damaging, and can eventually lead to death. Recovering from meth is a long-term process, and we are here to help.

Long Term Effects of Meth Use:

  • Psychosis (including Paranoia and Hallucinations)
  • Changes in brain function and structure
  • Memory loss
  • Violent behavior
  • Dental issues
  • Weight loss

If you or a loved one suffers from meth alcohol addiction, call (678) 737-4430 today. Our supportive team is here to help.

You Don’t Have to Fight This Alone

Breaking free from meth addiction is almost impossible to do by yourself. At The Carter Treatment Center, an entire team of compassionate people who have all been affected by addiction is here to help. 

Our rehabilitation centers are located in Cumming, GA. We also serve the communities of Milton, Canton, Dawsonville, Johns Creek, Roswell, Gwinnett County, and Gainesville.

  • How does meth affect the brain?

    Meth affects the brain in a similar manner to other central nervous system stimulants. Once ingested, meth stimulates the release of large amounts of feel-good neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Normally, these neurotransmitters are responsible for producing feelings of well-being, happiness, and pleasure. They also help regulate pain and hormone levels. When meth causes these neurotransmitters to flood the brain, it results in an intense, euphoric high or “rush.” Meth users also experience increased energy, confidence, invulnerability, and wakefulness. Over time, continued meth use can cause the brain to lose the ability to release neurotransmitters naturally, meaning a person cannot experience pleasure, happiness, and wellbeing without the use of methamphetamine. As a result, the individual is driven to continue using meth, eventually building tolerance and dependency on the drug. It is possible to reverse the effects of meth on the brain, but professional addiction treatment is almost always required for long-term success. Contact The Carter Treatment Center today to learn more about our meth addiction treatment in Cumming and Suwanee, GA.

  • Is meth addictive physically or psychologically?

    Meth and crystal meth are addictive both physically and psychologically. Meth changes chemical processes and pathways in the brain, stimulating excess dopamine and affecting the body’s central nervous system. This changes how the body and the brain function and, over time, people who use meth or crystal meth can easily become physically and psychologically dependent on the drug. This can make it extremely difficult to quit, but recovery is possible with professional meth addiction treatment. Regardless of how many times you have used meth or how severe your substance use disorder is, we encourage you to reach out to our team at The Carter Treatment Center to learn how we can help you on the road to healing. 

  • What makes methamphetamine so addictive?

    Methamphetamine, or meth, is highly addictive for several reasons. First, it acts quickly. Once ingested, meth causes the brain to release a flood of the feel-good chemical dopamine. This produces a euphoric high—but this high does not last. Many meth users engage in binges, periods of frequent methamphetamine use, in an effort to maintain or recreate that initial rush of euphoria. Over time, this can cause the brain to lose its natural ability to release dopamine, meaning people who use meth become unable to experience pleasure or happiness when not taking the drug. It also decreases the intensity of the drug’s effects, creating a vicious negative feedback loop in which users continually use increasing amounts of meth more frequently in an unsuccessful attempt to achieve that initial high. Additionally, meth use can become involuntary, as reinforcement of the drug-taking behavior causes further changes in the brain. Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms also make it difficult for users to stop using meth without professional help. Even those who want to quit taking the drug may find it extremely challenging to discontinue use without professional treatment. 

Ready to Recover Your Possibility? Contact The Carter Treatment Center to Get Started