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How to Observe National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month

Every September, organizations dedicated to addiction treatment host National Recovery Month. During this nationwide observance period, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and others educate Americans about addiction treatment and celebrate the gains made by those living in recovery. According to SAMHSA:

Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover.”

For more than 30 years, SAMHSA has sponsored National Recovery Month, but this year, Faces & Voices of Recovery is helping promote the benefits of treatment and lauding the contributions of treatment and service providers.

At The Carter Treatment Center, we are always proud to provide drug and alcohol addiction treatment, but we are especially proud to be part of the recovery community in September.

We observe National Recovery Month by offering a variety of helpful programs to individuals in recovery and spreading awareness.

You can participate, too.

Celebrating Connections

This year, the theme for National Recovery Month is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections.” You can celebrate connections by attending local events, tuning into SAMHSA’s 2020 National Recovery Month Webinar Series, speaking with your loved ones about mental health, addiction, and recovery – and, most importantly, getting help if you need it.

Addiction is a disease, and seeking treatment is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone needs support during hard times, and most people cannot recover from drug or alcohol addiction alone.

Choosing recovery is not easy, but it does not have to be hard.

To begin your journey at The Carter Treatment Center, for example, all you have to do is call us at (678) 737-4430 or contact us online today.

We know it can seem like there is no way out, but we want to remind you:

  1. There is hope.
  2. You are not alone.
  3. Today is the day to make a change.

Call or click now. We accept most major insurers and provide treatment at multiple locations.
