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How to Recognize Alcoholism

Are you worried that you or a loved one might be struggling with alcoholism? It can be tough to know for sure, but there are some key signs to look out for. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common indicators of alcoholism and what you can do if you suspect that someone you care about is struggling with alcohol abuse or addiction.

Signs of Alcohol Abuse or Addiction

Behavioral Changes

Look for changes in behavior, including increased secrecy, irritability, and withdrawal from friends and activities. It’s important to remain aware of warning signs that may encourage a closer look at your own mental health or that of a loved one. Physical symptoms like weight loss/gain and physical fatigue could indicate that someone is struggling. Additionally, changes in social behaviors like increased secrecy, irritability, and/or withdrawal from friends and activities can also be red flags. Noticing any subtle changes in behavior can be incredibly helpful in understanding where someone’s at and identifying when they might be struggling.

Change in Drinking Habits

Notice if the person is drinking more alcohol than before or if they're unable to control how much they drink at any given time. Paying attention to the number of drinks someone has on a regular basis is essential to recognizing changes in their alcohol habits.

If you can, pay close attention to the number of drinks consumed in a day and the number of days per week that the person is drinking. These changes could signal that the person is having difficulty controlling how much they drink, which can be indicative of more serious struggles with alcohol consumption. If you think that this may be the case, it is important to address it as soon as possible to help them get the support they need.

Physical Changes

Be aware of physical changes like weight loss or gain, red eyes, and tremors. If you or someone you know is experiencing any physical changes such as weight loss or weight gain, red eyes, or trembling hands and tremors, it may be cause for alarm. While these symptoms may be attributed to stress or other psychological factors, they could also indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention. For this reason, it’s important to remain aware of any changes and consult a doctor if you experience any of these physical indicators. With prompt care, treatment can be initiated before consequences become serious.

Listen to What Others Say About the Person's Drinking Habits

If your friend is struggling with their drinking habits, it can be helpful to observe and take note of what others are saying about them. The more you observe, the easier it will be to notice any patterns or changes in the person’s behavior due to their drinking.

Taking into account the observations of friends and family who care could help you decide how best to approach your friend when addressing their drinking habits. Listening carefully to those around them could offer valuable insights and help you determine how to offer appropriate support without being too overwhelming for your friend.

Consider Professional Alcohol Addiction Treatment

If you’ve noticed any of the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction in someone close to you, it’s important to take action. The Carter Treatment Center can provide professional support and guidance for those struggling with alcohol addiction. Don’t wait until it’s too late - get help today.

Contact us today at (678) 737-4430 for alcohol addiction treatment from trusted professionals.
