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What Can Happen During Withdrawal?

Sad man sits against a wall

If you are suffering from alcohol addiction or drug addiction, then it is important to challenge that addiction as soon as possible. But it is also important to understand that the path to sobriety can and often does begin with withdrawal. Essentially, withdrawal is a series of health consequences caused directly by your body trying to readjust and recover from a dependency on a foreign substance.

All sorts of substances can cause withdrawal if they are used often enough to trigger addiction or chemical dependency. Everything from marijuana and cocaine to caffeine and nicotine can cause withdrawal symptoms. But what sort of withdrawal symptoms happen the most often?

During withdrawal, you will probably experience these common symptoms, regardless of what substance caused your addiction:

  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea when eating
  • Body aches
  • Migraines
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Agitation
  • Joint soreness
  • Constant runny nose

Withdrawal Causes by Certain Substances

You should know that specific substances cause certain withdrawal symptoms. Also, everyone reacts differently to withdrawal, so one substance might cause withdrawals in one person but something completely different in you. However, it is still useful to know more about the potential withdrawal symptoms of commonly abused substances, so you can better prepare for them.

If you are addicted to these substances, then you might experience these withdrawal symptoms:

  • Alcohol: During recovery from alcohol addiction, it is common for people to experience severe anxiety and depression during withdrawal. Other common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are constant pupil dilation, tremors, and rapid pulse.
  • Marijuana: Many people do not realize that marijuana can and does cause addiction. During withdrawals, marijuana addicts can experience severe insomnia, anxiety, complete loss of appetite, and agitation.
  • Opiates: Opiates are used as painkillers in medical settings, but they are also one of the most commonly abused drugs. Opiate withdrawal can include chronic pain, nausea, vomiting, rapid changes in body temperature, and problems sleeping.
  • Stimulants: A stimulant like cocaine quickens the body’s neural responses, which makes people think and move quicker than normal. When withdrawal symptoms begin, they can make the user feel the opposite, including sluggishness, fatigue, and overeating to the point of lethargy.

How Can Withdrawal Be Stopped?

Avoiding withdrawal entirely might not be possible in most cases. But it can be reduced with professional care and support.

The most reliable way you can reduce the severity of your withdrawal symptoms is to begin a recovery program at a professional rehab center. In rehab, you can use a variety of programs to keep you on track and focused, no matter how rough withdrawal symptoms get. You might also require medical detoxification, which allows you to recover through the worst of withdrawal while being treated by medical specialists. In any situation, professional help is most often the right choice.

Want to know more about rehab and withdrawal recovery in Georgia? Click here to contact a member of The Carter Treatment Center team.
